viernes, 15 de julio de 2016

Major Issues, but Far Away

I make it a point to keep up to date on what's going on back home. So I've watched the police shooting videos. I've heard about the sniper that killed cops in Dallas. I've heard about protests on the interstates.

But I haven't done anything.

Living far from home is difficult for a host of reasons. One reason you don't anticipate before departure is how separate you can feel from current events in your city, state, and country. I'm an observer, not a participant.

We were talking about this last night. About the desire to dive into the issues at home. But that would mean diverting attention and energy from the world in front of us, from the place we came to live and work in.

I think my energies belong here in Andahuaylillas. I think I should live here for the remaining few months. Agree with me or not, that's my position. I can march next year.

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