miércoles, 28 de septiembre de 2016

First Communion in Catcca

Besides being the director of FyA 44, Pd. Eddy is also the parish priest in Catcca, a town about an hour up the mountains from Andahuaylillas. Recently he asked the FyA 44 pastoral team to come up to Catcca with him and prepare some 6th graders for first communion.

Students bringing their patron Saint, Virgen de las Merced, into the church.
Yes, the ribbons decorating the pews are made of toilet paper. 

We (Hna. Vilma, Mafer, Karla, and I) gave a 2 day intensive first communion course on two Fridays. The students from Catcca were very participatory and caught on quickly. We also gave two students who participate in pastoral activities the opportunity to help with the classes. Of course those two students jumped in because it meant missing most of their classes on Friday. I think everyone involved really enjoyed the experience.
Altarpiece in Catcca
Monday the 25th, the students received their first communion at their school's anniversary mass. A few were also baptized during the mass. Welcome little brothers and sisters! We wish you long lives of joy in the Gospel.

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