jueves, 10 de diciembre de 2015

Copos de Nieve

As far as I can tell, copo de nieve is the way to say snowflake. The JVs weren't the only ones to make snowflakes last week. For the last week of classes my lesson plan was: 
  1. play outside
  2. take a class picture
  3. make snowflakes
These are kids that have never seen snow, but they know lots about craft projects. They loved the snowflakes. The first graders were shocked and applauded when I opened my example snowflake up to reveal the design. My fourth graders got so into it that they made me tons of multicolored snowflakes that are now hanging from my rafters like some sort of toxic blizzard. Even if snow isn't universal, this project sure seems to be. 

(In case you were wondering "what's the connection between snowflakes and religion?" The answer is, if God took the time to make tiny little snowflakes so unique and beautiful, how much more effort did he put into you. I think it's time to write a new hymn: "His eye is on the snowflake")

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