domingo, 6 de diciembre de 2015

Mail Call!

This is the wall of cards:

Every card I have received since I moved to the Mountain House is up on this wall in my room. It's a nice reminder of all the people who love me and are thinking of me.

But sadly, the wall of cards is not complete... It's missing your Christmas card! Today I'm putting out a mail call, the kind where I get mail. I'd love to fill wall up with love from all over. If you want to make sure I think of you often even though I'm thousands of miles away, send me a postcard/card/whatever to stick to my wall. I promise to send a card back to you.

My address and email are always on the "Contact" page. Address all mail to:

Benjamin Hill
c/o P. Carlos Silva SJ
Triunfo 339, Apartado 896
Cusco, Perú

This message has been brought to you by 
the homesickness prevention department of Peruben volunteer industries.

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