miércoles, 10 de agosto de 2016

Vacation Photos: Santo Domingo in Lima

A a friend's suggestion, Deepti and I went downtown to see the convent of Santo Domingo (founder of the Dominicans). I had never been before, so it was a new place for both of us. Like all old colonial convents, it's absolutely beautiful. They have a gorgeous, and well-preserved library. Most importantly they have the tombs of 3 Peruvian saints: San Martín de Porres, Santa Rosa de Lima, and San Juan Macías. As my friend said when she recommended Santo Domingo "You can go pray where San Martín is. I always pray there. I don't believe in the Catholic Church, but I do believe in San Martín."

Most touristically, you can climb the bell tower and see central Lima from above. Another place that's worth a visit. Here's some pictures.

Main courtyard

Looking up at the bell tower.

An old choir book

The sanctuary

Looking towards the central plaza. Those two towers are part of the Cathedral.

Looking down on the main courtyard.

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