lunes, 7 de diciembre de 2015

Despedida 2015

This afternoon our 2nd years, Victoria and Jacqueline board a plane to Lima, and then a plane to Miami, and then separate planes to their families. It seems an appropriate day to post about the despedida.

The verb despedir means “to say goodbye.”

From despedir comes the noun despedida, which means the act of saying goodbye. But despedida can also mean a good-bye party.

The Mountain House JVs throw one house party per year. That house party is the despedida. It's the chance to say goodbye to and celebrate friends from all parts of the experience. It means a big pot of chaufa (the Peruvian version of chicken-fried rice) and a whole lot of guests. It means loud music and dancing, and eventually booze. It's the bitter-sweetness that pervades all goodbye parties. This year we were despidiendo (saying goodbye to) 4 women – Theresa, Victoria, Jacqueline, and Lucía.  Theresa leaves near the end of the month. But for Vic, Jacq, and Lu, who all leave this week, the despedida was their last hurrah.

Here's a few pictures from the evening. Somehow things never got organized for a group photo. We wish all four ladies nothing but the best as they transition back into their home countries, figure out next steps, and make their way in this wonderfully difficult world.

Pics after the jump.

Jacqueline and me

Victoria with Marta, a Spanish volunteer who works in psychology at FyA 44 with me.

Lucía and Pd. Alejo, the Jesuit in charge of youth ministry in Cusco

Conga line!

Theresa, Victoria, Aurora, María, Jacqueline

Victoria and me on our last hike before she left Andahuaylillas.

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