miércoles, 10 de diciembre de 2014

4Values: Social Justice

I remember the preacher saying “Catholic ain't easy.” I think that the Catholic value of social justice is the biggest contributor to the difficulty of being Catholic. Catholicism is not solely a contemplative tradition, it is an active one. It isn't just about doing no harm, being nice, and waiting patiently for your invite to the eternal party in the sky. Catholics are called to be engaged with the world around them, to seek out problems and be part of the solutions.

Holding social justice as a value means accepting the assertion that a society can be unjust. Power can be hoarded by a group, and power compounds. Social justice is about breaking that cycle. Social justice is more complicated and more subtle than basic charity (not to disparage the virtue charity).

Social justice is not a new concept to me. It has informed much of my intellectual self, and I hope to use hold social justice as a value throughout my adult life. Living with four other people who share the same aim will support my development of my sense and abilities with regards to social justice.

Jesus came to preach about the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God is a just society. Jesus calls on Christians to seek out the poor, the meek, the afflicted, and to comfort and aid them. He calls on us to challenge oppressive systems. It is difficult work. It isn't just about protests and marches and clever fundraising campaigns. The real work of social justice is done in the everyday, in upholding and improving communities that are based around respect and care.

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