domingo, 8 de mayo de 2016

Happy Mothers' Day to...

Mary Driscoll, the woman that fought hard to give me life, and taught me to use it well. Not to mention being the one who encouraged me to join JVC and have this experience.

Nancy Hill, the "nice old lady" who keeps me sharp and inspires me to be better every day.

Lorraine Smith, the woman who taught me to cook only the most delicious party food, and who wouldn't accept anything less than my best.

Marlú Copello, my Limeña host mother who welcomed me into this country, kept me well fed, and was always willing to stay up late and help me understand her world.

Julia (whose last name I do not know), my Cusqueña host mother, whose generosity has tuaght me just how much I can improve, and who I really should visit this month.

Thank you all for your love and support from Day 1 to today. I love you all.

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