martes, 21 de junio de 2016

All the Time?

In the Black Catholic church, we have a call and response that reminds us of God's faithfulness.

God is Good – All the time!And all the time – God is good!

At work today I sat and talked with a 12 year old girl about how she's treated like Cinderella by everyone in her family, and how they beat her and pull her hair when they get angry with her. At 3 I left work to go to a funeral. A boy from town died of pneumonia Sunday night. He was 3 years and 10 months old.

Is God really good all the time? Was God good today?

My student told me before we finished our session that she wanted to keep coming back and talking to me. “I feel so much better talking about it. I never told anyone except my friend before.” I asked her if she wanted to have regular one-on-ones; she said yes. I gave her a hug and we stepped out of the school's chapel to face the day, with smiles on our faces.

After the funeral mass and the procession, during which different men of town took turns carrying the small casket, we arrived at the graveyard. The boy's father spoke before they laid the casket inside the tomb. “Don't you worry about us, my son. We're ok. Don't be sad for us; because we are happy for you.” Of course he cried. We all did. But this father witnessed to the faith, to the miracle of the resurrection.

My student could find some hope and safety int talking with me in the school chapel. A town turned out to cry with a family doing the hardest of things. A father was able to find some peace despite the loss of his only child. No one carried their pain alone. God made sure of that.
God is good - All the time? 

Yes. All the time. God is Good.

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