sábado, 17 de enero de 2015


Hi All,

I'm taking advantage of the fast internet here at the Jesuit residence in Lima to play around with the design of the blog. I've added a picture of the town of Andahuaylillas (taken from the side of one of the mountains) to the background. Unfortunately, Blogger won't let me upload any file beyond a certain size so I can't set the picture to take up the whole background, thus the slightly tacky mosaic style you see. Even though I don't love the look, I'm going to leave it as is. The whole point of this blog is to offer windows into my life and world here in the mountains of Peru. Now whenever you check the blog you'll have a glance down on my world.

Below, you'll find a clear version of the photograph. That's it. That's the entire town of Andahuaylillas. You can see the chacras (plots of farming land) all around. On the left you can see the pista (highway) leading away from Cusco on towards Urcos, the capital of Quispicanchi Valley. The church is right near the middle of the picture to the right of the trees in the center of town. Those trees are growing along the sides of the plaza. Although you can't make it out in the photograph, our house is one block "up" from the parish.

They say Boston is a small town. But I'm not so sure anymore. Andahuaylillas is actually a small town.

To see a closer view, click here

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