miércoles, 21 de enero de 2015

Music "Lejos de Ti"

Places have sights. Places have smells. Places have textures. Places have tastes. Places have sounds.

I can only share the 1st two with you. Everthing else will have to be described by words. Having had some success uploading photographs, it is time to introduce sound into our discussion of Peru.

"Lejos de Ti" (Far from You) is a very popular song in the Andes. I heard it a lot in 2013 and I still hear it a lot riding on buses and in taxis across the mountain roads. It seemed a good choice for the first song to share with you. This version is a jazzed up version compared to the one that I know. My quick youtube search yielded several different versions of the song.

PS-Here is the version I am much more used to hearing on the radio. I chose not to post it because the video spends far too much time focused on the singer rolling around in bed with his girlfriend.

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