JVC requires us to hold 4 retreats each
year. The fourth retreat will be Re-O/Dis-O* and will be run by Billy, our
Program Co-ordinator. But the other three retreats are completely under our
control. We decide when to do them, where to do them, and how to do them. JVC
gives us a retreat budget each fiscal year. This past weekend, we held our
first retreat.
We focused the retreat around the value of
Community. Each JV led a session designed to help us better understand
ourselves, each other, and to build connections. I won't tell you about the
sessions. What happens on retreat stays on retreat. I will share my
“He who loves community, destroys
community; he who loves the brethren, builds community.”
-Diethrich Bonhoeffer
Erin brought this quote into our
conversation about the nature of community. It resonated with me strongly. A
community is made of people. If the people are unwell, the community is unwell.
A community is a cloth woven of the threads of the relationships of the
community members. The pattern is designed by the relationships. Our 5 person
intentional JV community is comprised 10 one-on-one relationships, all the
permutations of 3 and 4 person relationships, and the all encompassing 5 way
relationship. That's a lot of relating. There's a lot going on with only five
people. So it's important to remember that at the core, the best thing any of
us can do for the community is to actively love the four other community-mates.
It's not always an easy task. Just as a pre-existing friendship isn't a
guarantee of a good roommate, a pre-existing commitment to the 4 values of JVC,
especially that of intentional community, isn't a guarantee of an easy community
living situation.
“In the community people care for each
other and not just for the community in abstract, as a whole, an an institution
or as an ideal way of life. It is people that matter; to love and care for the
people that are there, just as they are. It is to care for them in such a way
that they may grow according to the plan of God and thus give much life. And it
is not just caring in a passing way, but in a permanent way.”
-Jean Vanier Community
and Growth: Our Pilgrimage Together
What is true of intentional community is
true of all communities. Whether it's your family, your crew, your parish, or
your co-workers, community is best when the people care for each other first
and the community second.
*Re-Orientation (for 1st years moving to their 2nd year) and Dis-Orientation (for 2nd years moving home) is one simultaneous retreat near the end of the year. If you have questions about it, tough, I haven't done ReO/DisO yet so I don't really know how it goes. Check back in 8 months.
And here's photos from the retreat weekend. Blogger doesn't allow much control over layout, it's primarly designed for text based posts. So please excuse the lack of organization.
We didn't have a key to the front gate... alternative entry methods were used. |
Erin and Theresa on the bus |
Snack time-Magic bars and Coffee |
Jacq and Me on the river. |
Skipping rocks |
Saturday afternoon walk |
Frying hush puppies! |
Waiting for Ben to finish making lunch |
Corkscrew free wine opening |
Try a vegetable peeler |
Wine opened! |
Erin with breakfast |
Sunday morning meal, made by Jacqueline |
Leaving the reatreat house
JVC Andahuaylillas 2015 Me, Victoria, Erin, Theresa, Jacqueline |
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