lunes, 27 de abril de 2015

Food Week: Monday - Feeling Queasy

Probably because of the massive amount of food I consumed on Sunday evening, I woke up Monday feeling off. I tried to have my normal breakfast, but realized pretty quickly that my stomach wasn't interested.* So I just drank the liquids and dropped the rest of the oatmeal into the chancho bucket (to be explained in a future post).

At lunch at school I just asked the señoras in the kitchen for some galletas (the same word that means cookies or crackers). They had my favorite, galletas de quinoa which I took straight home ate in my bed as I read my book. 

I had a mandarina as an afternoon snack.

I forgot to take a picture of dinner. Erin made chickpea fajitas which were delicious. I was glad my stomach felt well enough to eat again because there were no leftovers.

*I think I had food poisoning. I spent some quality time sitting on the toilet clearing something out of the system.

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