lunes, 13 de abril de 2015

Your favorite JV's profile

Last month I wrote a profile for JVC's webpage and it just went up this week. Here it is in full.

Benjamin Moses Hill
Andahuaylillas, Peru
Teacher, Fe y Alegría

Brandeis University 14
Major: Latin American and Latino Studies; Peace, Conflict and Coexistence Studies, minor
Fun Fact: Worked as a baker in college at the neighborhood bakery
What drew you to JVC?
God. When you really get to the heart of it, that's the answer. I was drawn by an interest in justice outside of the US. I was drawn by the desire to enter deeper into the Catholic faith, to build an adult relationship with God. I was drawn by the desire to learn what I can live without, to learn how to cut the excesses from my life to live better and have more room for people.

What do you like to do in your free time and why do you enjoy doing it?
I like to make music. I grew up in a house that appreciates music the way Peruvians appreciate food. I've played violin on and off for 10 years now. It's a great source of fun as well as a good companion in difficult times. My sister and my father also play instruments (viola and guitar) and playing is a fun way to spend the afternoon together. I'm hoping to write some music these next two years and record it when I get home.

Who is your role model and why?
If I can only answer with one person, then I pick my grandmother Nancy Gilbride Hill. She is one of the strongest women I know (the first female mayor of the town of Waterville, ME). Nannie knows what she believes and defends her beliefs articulately and passionately. She taught me to stand my ground and to speak up. Nannie is loving. She maintains a personal relationship with 10 grandchildren spread across 3 states. One of the things I respect most about her is her ability to apologize when she thinks she is in the wrong, a rare humility. Nannie taught me how to drink, how to eat a lobster, and that it is always the right time for ice cream. I hope that I can emulate Nannie's quick wit, passion, love, energy, and sharp mind in my own adult life.

What do you wish other people knew about JVC?
I wish people understood simple living better. It's something I'm only coming to a decent understanding of now. Simple living isn't playing at being poor. I think it is more about setting aside distractions that get in the way of a rich and fulfilling life. It's exchanging worldly wealth for spiritual/emotional wealth. Simple living is about being with people instead of being with things.

Go to to see profiles of other current JVs. Jason Wolfe and Danny Zawodny are both members of my JVC class who I met last over a year ago at Discernment Weekend. 

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